torsdag 14. april 2011

Annonsering av Allmøtet:

ALLMØTE - 11.mai


Allmøtet for studentene på MF finner sted 11. mai. To dager før får du muligheten til å diskutere noen av årets hete saker, f.eks. hvilke sosiale arrangementer SR skal satse på, hva MF-studenter ønsker med sitt medlemsskap i Norsk Studentorganisasjon (NSO), økonomi og revidert budsjett. Det vil også bli gitt anledning til å komme med ideer og innspill til høstens fadderopplegg.

Sakene er viktige og betyr noe for din studiehverdag! Kom, diskuter, bli inspirert og få innflytelse!



The general assembley of the students of MF will be held on May 11th. Two days before, proposals and issues will be discussed at a Café discussion on May 9th in Vidar Leif Student Café, where it will be possible to subit ideas, suggestions and joind the general discussion on issues like: Which Social events should the SC focus on, the mebership of MF in the Norwegian Student Association, Reviced budjet of the Student Council. It will also be possible to share ideas for the "fadderopplegg" for next semester.

1 kommentar:

Anonym sa...

I think all members of the student council at MF is not so good and so weak. Why? I think as all international students we feel that you do not do nothing. I really wonder what you do. Sometimes I think that international students and Norwegian students are separated. Why do not you contribute or an opportunity to get to know with intern. students. Please do not say that the intern. coffee hour is good. I do not think so. Prisia does a good job....I really like what she does at MF. Why do not you go for some trips with us? Why dont we meet in different events (like sports or hiking somewhere) and to build some friendships between us? We think that you like to study and a word like "the student life" you do not know. Please could you change it. We would like to join in any events. This is my suggestion for the next year I hope that someone will read my sentences. I wish I could go at assembly meeting on May 11th but I assume that everything will be held again in Norwegian. The next suggestion is to vote one candidate from intern. students.
an internat. student!!!!